The Vault

Overview of Services

WebHomeCare Solutions for Home Care is a complete and comprehensive software solution specifically designed for Private Duty Nursing home care agencies (PDN) providing skilled care for one or more shifts for medically fragile adult patients.

WebHomeCare Solutions meets complex clinical, scheduling, billing and reimbursement requirements allowing agencies to focus on providing quality care while maintaining operational compliance and efficiency.

WebHomeCare Solutions for home health agencies provides a complete package of Client related software that will make client onboarding through detailed point of care updating easier, more accurate and compliant with regulatory requirements.

During nurse visits, nursing assessment, medical history, prescriptions and plan of care are entered directly to the Webhomecare Solutions system. WebHomeCare Solutions allows digital client and nurse signatures.

When clients opt in, encrypted pdf documents are emailed to clients for their records. Otherwise, clients may opt to receive a hard copy.

Home health aide weekly reviews are available online to the supervisory nurses and staff.

Webhomecare Solutions provides private duty home health agencies with a complete package of Employee related software that will make employee skills, contact information, availability, and performance readily available to the designated Human resource personnel but protected from all others.

Employee job application interface allows candidates for employment to electronically input the information needed for the hiring process. Documents are then reviewed and archived in the employee file that is available at all times.

Employee licenses, certificates, medical checks and vaccinations are monitored and alerts are generated when expiration dates are approaching.

Employee education tracking ensures that home health aide training requirements are fulfilled.

Employee timesheets are available for tasks performed by employees for non-client billable work.

Webhomecare Solutions provides private duty home health agencies with a complete software that makes scheduling services for a client a simple task. This includes up to date checks to avoid potential availability conflicts in home health aide appointments.

Flexible same day multiple shifts scheduling for client visits is provided.

Type of service is a simple click from a dropdown list which determines hourly billing.

Automated schedule monitoring checks home health aide arrivals and departures from the client's home.

Integration of scheduling with client billing and employee payroll systems is provided.

Webhomecare Solutions for home health care provides private duty home health agencies with a complete Client Billing related software that gives a professional presentation of your agency to the client.

Client Billing includes:

A complete printable and electronic client invoice document with your company's Logo.

A billing system with the flexibility to be either pre or post service driven by you or your client.

A billing system that tracks paid and open invoices.

A billing system that combines hourly billing services with other charges such as products used by the client.

Webhomecare Solutions has fully integrated the following pdf forms:

I9 Forms, immunizations, employee references, In-Service training in addition to the employee hiring form containing all state required documents, payroll data such as W4, payrate, deductions, etc.

All certifications and documents are posted on and visually available.

Each employee has access to his/her personal data including payroll stubs.

The Webhomecare Solutions patient system provides pre-filled 485 forms, Doctor plan of care, Patients' rights, Service contracts, DNR forms, Nurse assessments, and Aide plan of care which are sent via Fax or protected email to indicated recipients. When on boarding new patients, after all relevant data has been inputted (starting date of service, rates, frequency of service, etc.), Webhomecare Solutions generates a pdf form contract that can be sent or printed for the patient to agree to and sign.

A user-id, 3D QR code, and pdf encryption code are provided so that patients or family members can access their own data at any time.

Webhomecare Solutions calculates weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly payroll based on the employee hiring agreement. An ACH record file is created for each payroll cycle and is ready to be transmitted or uploaded to a payroll bank account. All required deductions are calculated and applied for state, city, and federal payroll taxes. Forms generated can then be used for payments. Forms 941, 940 and W2forms are included in the Webhomecare Solutions system. W2 data is ready for transmission to social security portal. Payroll includes processing of vacation time, sick time, and non-billable time.

Billing is weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly and monthly based on the billing agreement and is derived directly from scheduling and patient service agreements. Billing also includes patient bill receivables, checks, credit cards, and patient balance sheets.

Webhomecare Solutions scheduling is driven by the service contract and is intuitive in listing only qualified CHHAs (Gender, preferred languages, pet friendly, etc.)

CHHA check in and checkout are automated and provide tools to identify lateness and reminder of patients with no assigned CHHA, etc.

A timesheet reminder is sent to each CHHA every week. Weekly time sheets are generated by the system for each CHHA patient, to be completed and signed by both patient/guardian and CHHA.

Webhomecare Solutions provides tools for the director of nursing to manage the following:

  • Assessment plan
  • Progress Notes
  • Aide plan of care
  • CHHA Evaluation review
  • Form 485, Doctor Plan of Care
  • Discharge form

All above forms are available through Webhomecare Solutions. Forms are prefilled with updating capability and can be signed electronically online via a virtual pen.