WebHomeCare Management Solutions for Agencies

WCS1, the foremost secure web-based home care management software for non-medical agencies, features user-friendly management of clients and employees, billing and scheduling, payroll and IRS and social security reporting, simplifying all aspects of operations.

WebHomeCare Solutions is recognized as a leading software for long-term managed home care agencies.

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An Extremely Secure Cloud-Based System

In the current, ever expanding field of home care,WebHomeCare Solutions clients expect a technologically advanced, user-friendly platform especially adapted to the needs of non-medical home health care agencies.

WebHomeCare Solutions Features

WebHomeCare Solutions is a cost-effective software solution for the non-medical home health care agency.


WebHomeCare Solutions not only offers fully integrated secure cloud-based software but also provides advanced services with reasonable pricing. Clients save both time and money in managing their non-medical home health care agencies. WebHomeCare Solutions significantly lowers operating expenses of agencies while streamlining audits and facilitating transparency for regulators. Maximize your resources and reduce your time investment, freeing you up to do more.

The bottom line is enhanced overall agency management and profitability.

Agency Operations

  • Employee Screening
  • Easy Employee/Client Addition
  • Scheduling
  • Billing/Invoicing
  • Receivables
  • Complete Payroll Processing
  • Compliance Documents
  • W2 Forms & Other Government Forms
  • Internal Communications

Client Care

  • Electronic Client Intake
  • Care Plan
  • Nurse Assessment
  • Nurse Management
  • Weekly Reviews
  • Electronic, Detailed Invoices
  • Client/Family Portal


  • Electronic Applications
  • EVV Check-In
  • EVV Check-Out

Employee Portal

  • Alerts, Training
  • Real-Time Communications
  • Immunization Records
  • SMS Alerts
  • MMS Documents

The WebHomeCare Solutions team addresses the varied challenges that home healthcare agencies face on a day-to-day basis.

Quality improvement initiatives measuring performance, accountability and security compliance are included in the WebHomeCare Solutions system.

As the demand for home health care management continuously increases, the demand for effective, technologically user-friendly web-based management tools will also increase.